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Public Complaints and Dispute Resolution

It is the policy of Manitoulin Central Family Health Team (MCFHT) to define broad principles and behavioural standards that promote a high level of ethical conduct. This policy is intended to promote the highest standard of public trust and integrity while protecting MCFHT. The MCFHT is committed to openness, accountability and excellent communication in its relations with patients, stakeholders and the general public, and, in consequence, to the development of a clear process for dealing with disputes and complaints


The purpose of this policy is to establish a transparent and effective way of dealing with disputes that will serve the best interests of all parties. Any person lodging a complaint will receive respectable treatment and appreciate their complaints will help the MCFHT to improve its service.

The Complaints Process

Any MCFHT staff who receive a complaint will guide the person who has contacted them to the
Executive Director.


The Executive Director will:

  • Listen to the concerns and complaints and keep a written record;

  • Ensure that the person lodging the complaint or concern is aware of MCFHT’s process for registering complaints and resolving disputes;

  • Involve the Board Chair if necessary.

  • Investigate concerns and complaints about MCFHT service and provide recommendations for resolution or information about other sources of help;

  • Where appropriate, involve other staff in investigating and resolving complaints about Agency decisions;

  • Find appropriate outside resources, where necessary, to help mediate disputes with the Agency;

  • Ensure that those concerned are informed about the decision which concludes an investigation;

  • Report complaints, disputes and their resolution, including any suggestions for improved processes and services to the Board;

  • Arrange regular training for staff concerned where necessary.


If the concern/complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved by the Executive Director, a person
may wish to appeal to the MCFHT Board Chair. The Board Chair will review the case and make
a final decision.

If the Executive Director and Board Chair deem it appropriate, from time-to-time MCFHT may use an outside expert in mediation and conflict resolution to provide advice, training, mediation or other services to support the dispute-resolution process.


The MCFHT will preserve trust and encourage good communication by keeping private the material gathered in dealing with complaints. If outside mediation or support is needed, all parties will sign an agreement confirming that the entire dispute-resolution process will remain confidential among the parties.

Evaluation of the Process

When the dispute-resolution process is complete, the parties whose complaints have been resolved will be invited to evaluate their experience and level of satisfaction with the process. The evaluations will be summarized and presented with any suggestions for improvement from complainants in a periodic report to the Board of Directors.

Manitoulin Central Family Health Team

2120B HWY 551 Box 10

Mindemoya, ON P0P 1S0

Phone:  705-377-5371

Fax:  1-855-908-2517

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